Our robots ensure the safety and security of industrial areas like Seveso, oil & gas, energy sites

The GR100 autonomous mobile robot can carry out inspection and security tasks on industrial sites such as Seveso sites, warehouses, energy, oil and gas sites, ports, airports and exceptional locations, thanks to the technologies it integrates.

Sensitive industrial and Seveso sites

The GR100 robot is specially designed to effectively patrol and monitor industrial sites, including Seveso zones. Don’t let any risk escape your vigilance.
The GR100 robot provides continuous surveillance tailored to the strict requirements of sensitive industrial sites. Its advanced technology enables early detection of incidents, reducing risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Centrale nucleaire

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Recycling and sorting centers

Optimise the safety of your sorting centres with the GR100 robot. Specially designed to navigate in complex environments, the GR100 efficiently monitors recycling areas to prevent any acts of vandalism or environmental incidents.

Its ability to map the environment in real time enables precise navigation, ensuring optimal surveillance even in the complex environments of waste processing centres.

Robot de surveillance professionnel GR100 sur site recyclage suez

Ils nous font confiance

Energy sites

Ensure the security of your energy infrastructures. The GR100 autonomous robot is your ally in monitoring and protecting energy sites, detecting any suspicious activity and guaranteeing the integrity of critical equipment.

The safety robot uses thermographic analysis to monitor overheating and anomalies on critical equipment, preventing breakdowns before they occur. An essential asset for predictive maintenance in power stations.

Robot et installations électriques

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Oil & Gas

Autonomous surveillance for oil and gas sites. The GR100 mobile robot offers advanced monitoring to quickly detect leaks or other hazards, crucial for oil and gas operations.

Thanks to its specialised sensors, the GR100 identifies gas leaks instantly, a vital capability for the safety of infrastructure and operators.

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Chemical sites

Safety enhanced by robotic technology. Faced with the specific risks of chemical sites, the GR100 patrol robot patrols with an efficiency and precision that surpasses traditional methods.

When patrolling high-risk areas, the autonomous mobile robot detects temperature variations or chemical leaks, enabling rapid intervention to avoid major accidents.

Site chimique

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Ports and airports

Improve security at your ports and airports with the GR100. Designed to move autonomously, even when surrounded by dynamic obstacles, the robot provides uninterrupted surveillance, enhancing security while optimising logistics operations.

The robot carries out autonomous patrols, using person detection to alert you in the event of an intrusion and to remotely remove any doubts. In this way, it increases security without disrupting the flow of agents in the field.

Le robot de surveillance professionnel GR100 intervient dans les ports et les aéroports

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Aerospace, defence and security

Advanced technology for defence and aerospace security. The GR100 patrols with advanced surveillance technology, ideal for sites requiring a high level of security, such as aerospace and defence facilities.

Our autonomous mobile robot can monitor restricted outdoor areas and detect any unauthorised intrusion, crucial for the protection of sensitive technologies and defence infrastructures.

Le robot de surveillance professionnel GR100 intervient dans l'aérospatial

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Storage warehouses

Protect your warehouses with our GR100 professional surveillance robot. Perfect for large outdoor spaces, the robot patrols autonomously, offering increased security and reduced operational costs.

Entrepôt de stockage

Strategic sites

Innovative security for places of interest. Whether it’s a park, historic garden or amusement park, the GR100 provides discreet, effective surveillance, protecting facilities and remote locations.

The GR100 offers surveillance adapted to large areas, capable of detecting intrusions or outbreaks of fire.

Patrouille ERP robot GR100 running brains robotics

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Find out how our smart robots add value to your industrial safety and security operations

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Find out about the 2 missions of the GR100 security patrol robot

Our industrial robots provide a safety and security solution that improves safety in the workplace, operating efficiency and enables predictive maintenance to be implemented.